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The Victorian Department of Education is offering three fully funded student engagement forums delivered by the Asia Education Foundation. 

Emerging Leaders Forum (Junior Secondary) Years 7 - 8

The Emerging Leaders Forum (Junior Secondary) is designed for Victorian students in Years 7 and 8, offering chances for them to connect and collaborate with peers from around the world. Students will deepen their understanding of identity, belonging and intercultural understanding and what it means to be a globally competent leader.

The aim of the Emerging Leaders Forums is to provide earlier level curriculum entry points for Victorian schools, enabling them to embed global learning and engagement activities into their teaching, learning and student engagement initiatives. It also provides a learning pathway for engagement in the Global Youth Forum offered at Year 9 level.

Students will undertake a collaborative learning task with local and international peers that is anchored in the United Nation's Sustainable Development Goals, with the intention of implementing social change in their school communities.

The forums provide a 3-session virtual learning program for Victorian schools, connecting students with peers in Asia and the Pacific. The forums assist students in developing global competencies and are aligned with the Framework for Improving Student Outcomes (FISO 2.0) and the Victorian Curriculum (Civics and Citizenship, Geography, Design and Technologies and the Victorian Capabilities), including global citizenship, intercultural understanding, collaboration, and leadership skills.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Develop a deep understanding of global citizenship and its responsibilities
  • Enhance awareness of assumptions and stereotypes while fostering intercultural understanding
  • Engage actively with diverse global perspectives, experiences, and cultures
  • Utilise knowledge and skills to take meaningful action in addressing global and local challenges.

  Registrations close 5pm Friday 2nd August

Program Structure

Teacher and student briefings: (45 minutes)
Teacher Briefing via Zoom - Wednesday 21st August 2024 (3.45pm-4.30pm)
Student Briefing via Zoom - Thursday 22nd August 2024 (12pm-12.45pm)

3 online sessions (4 hours)
Session One: Monday 26th August (11am – 3pm)
Session Two: Choice of Tuesday 27th August OR Wednesday 28th August (11am – 3pm)
Session Three: Friday 30th August (11am – 3pm)

Face-to-face workshop (4 hours)
The University of Melbourne - Parkville Campus
Friday 11th October (10am – 2pm)

A face-to-face workshop will be held in Term 4 at The University of Melbourne which will bring together students from the Emerging Leaders Forum (Primary) Years 5 and 6 and the Emerging Leaders Forum (Junior Secondary) Years 7 and 8. This day will connect students with youth leaders and change-makers through keynote presentations, and interactive, collaborative activities.

Further Information

Throughout the forum they will hear from experts and guest speakers, hear stories of their peers from across the Asia-Pacific, understand and develop their personal leadership strengths and critically examine global issues. Students will explore identity, stereotypes and bias and develop intercultural communication skills.

Students will utilise design thinking tools to understand school-based challenges from different perspectives and to generate possible solutions. Students will develop a solution to a school-based challenge which they will present during Session 3. 

Prior to the forum, teachers and students are provided with a comprehensive information pack with all activities and learning materials.


Victorian schools can register a maximum of 8 Year 7 & 8 students to participate in the program at no cost.

Places are limited, please register now, then confirm students details later.


Open to all Victorian Year 7 & 8 students (maximum 8 students per school).


This forum will be delivered online via Zoom and on campus at the University of Melbourne (Parkville).


This program is provided by the Victorian Department of Education, in partnership with the Asia Education Foundation.

For all enquires, please email

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2016 AEF Autumn School


  • Dr Kathleen Turner, Strategic Partnerships Manager, Griffith Asia Institute
  • Mr Mohamad Abdalla, Professor of Islamic Studies at the School of Humanities, Languages and Social Sciences, Griffith University
  • Dr Indigo Willing OAM, Adjunct Research Fellow, Griffith Centre for Social and Cultural Research
  • Mr Aaron Seeto, Curatorial Manager of Asian and Pacific Art at the Queensland Gallery of Modern Art (QAGOMA) and previously Director of the 4A Centre for Contemporary Asian Art in NSW
  • Mr Keith Shangare, Diversity Coordinator, AFL Queensland

Additional speakers will be announced over the coming weeks

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Program Funder 

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Should you have any questions about the program, please email

This program is provided by the Victorian Department of Education, in partnership with the Asia Education Foundation. View a copy of our Privacy Notice here

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