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Jane Ahlstrand


Jane Ahlstrand Performing artist and PhD Candidate University of Queensland

Countries of expertise Indonesia

Work sector Arts & entertainment

Asian languages spoken Indonesian

Location Brisbane, Australia

Other Available for Having students visit you in your workplace, Visiting schools to speak with students


Jane performs Balinese dance and conducts workshops for school students in Brisbane to engage youth with Indonesian culture and encourage Indonesian language learning. She is also conducting a critical discourse analysis of Indonesian newspaper content for a PhD at the University of Queensland. After completing undergraduate studies in Asian and International Studies, Languages and Applied Linguistics, Jane worked as an English teacher in Japan and Korea. Upon her return to Australia, she managed the International Student Program at Education Queensland International. Jane has been the recipient of a scholarship to study Korean for three months at Sogang University in Seoul and also a Darmasiswa scholarship to undertake study in dance at the Institute of Art in Denpasar, Bali. In 2015, Jane won first place in the inaugural National Australia Indonesia Language Awards speech contest, an initiative of the Australia Indonesia Youth Association (AIYA).

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