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image of Philip Dalidakis


Philip Dalidakis Minister for Small Business, Innovation and Trade Victorian Government

Countries of expertise Thailand

Work sector Banking & finance, Energy production, Government, Information technology & communications, Professional services

Asian languages spoken Thai

Location Melbourne, Australia

Other Available to travel up to 200 kilometres
Available for Available for virtual interactions via Skype or other electronic means, Having students visit you in your workplace


Philip is the Victorian Minister for Small Business, Innovation & Trade. Philip was elected to the Victorian Parliament as a representative of the Southern Metropolitan region in the Legislative Council in 2014. Before this he worked in the commercial/finance and government sectors. Philip's interest in Asia began as a Rotary Exchange student, when he lived in Udon Thani, a large town in the far north-east province of Issan in Thaliand. His experiences in Thailand opened up a keen interest in the Asian region and which he continued at university through his studies of Thai language.

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