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image of Peter Durrant


Peter Durrant Principal Education & Change Management Covaris Pty Ltd

Countries of expertise Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand

Work sector Education & training, Professional services, Training & development

Location Subiaco, Australia

Other Available to travel up to 200 kilometres
Available for Available for virtual interactions via Skype or other electronic means, Having students visit you in your workplace


Peter holds a Diploma of Engineering and an MBA in Technology Management. He began his engineering career in the Navy and travelled extensively throughout Asia as a Naval Officer visiting and working with foreign navies. He went on to have a second career teaching maintenance reliability, planning and scheduling techniques in Malaysia and Singapore. Peter has led and participated in educational, vocational and cultural exchange groups in Japan and Malaysia and managed youth exchanges with Thailand, Malaysia, Taiwan and Japan. He is a long term member of Rotary and his passions are Rugby Union, Politics, Family and Friends.

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