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AEF Advisory Board


About AEF


AEF Council

The AEF Council provides insight and advocacy to support AEF's strategies and programs 

Professor Michael Wesley (Chair)

Deputy Vice-Chancellor (International) University of Melbourne
The University of Melbourne

Martine Letts (Deputy Chair)
Martine Letts (Deputy Chair) 

Founding Group CEO
Asialink, The University of Melbourne

Dr Sarah Richardson

Executive Director - Asia Education Foundation
Asialink, The University of Melbourne

Professor Lindsay Oades

Deputy Dean - Melbourne Graduate School of Education (MGSE) - University of Melbourne
The University of Melbourne

Andrew Smith
Andrew Smith
Chief Executive Officer
Education Services Australia

Stephen Gniel 
Chief Executive Officer
Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority

Edmund Misson
Deputy Chief Executive Officer
Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership

Darryl Buchanan
Darryl Buchanan

Associate Chief Executive
Association of Independent Schools NSW
representing Independent Schools Australia


Marissa Clark 
Director of Workforce Capability, Catholic Education
representing National Catholic Education Commission

Jason Borton-2020
Jason Borton
Executive Branch Manager 
Education Directorate,  ACT


Hilary Hughes
Director, Community Languages and International Programs
Department of Education, NSW

Kerry Hudson
A/Executive Director - Teaching and Learning Services
Department of Education, NT

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Kylie Marchant
‎A/ Executive Director, Curriculum
Department of Education, QLD

Tracey Davies
Tracey Davies
Director, Curriculum Program
Department for Education, SA

Warwick Clark

Associate Director,Department for Education, Children and Young People, Tasmania
Department of Education, TAS

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Linda Vaughan  

Executive Director, International Education Division
Department of Education, VIC

Martin Clery_WA DOE copy
Martin Clery

Executive Director, Statewide Services
Department of Education, WA

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