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How can ICT be integrated in curriculum planning and design?

Evidence from the What works 4: Using ICT in schools research explores how schools can use ICT to support the development of  student Asia capabilities. It uses the ‘ICT pedagogic framework for Asia capability’ (based on the UNESCO ICT-CF), to map schools’ work in exploring intersections between studies of Asia, Asian languages, intercultural understanding and ICT.

Intercultural and global competences are foundational to studies of Asia if schools are to move beyond the selective study of content to the formation of individuals who possess the understandings, skills and dispositions to engage with diversity in the Asia region and, indeed, the broader world (see Mansilla & Jackson, 2011; UNESCO, 2013). This reflects essentially the global move from multicultural education — learning about cultures — to intercultural education — learning with and from one another in the context of dialogue, engagement and interculturality in a globalised world (UNESCO, 2006a).

From What Works 4: Using ICT in schools to support the development of Asia-relevant 


UNESCO ICT Competency


The UNESCO ICT Competency Framework for Teachers (ICT-CFT) suggests a progression of ICT competencies from basic technology literacy, to knowledge deepening and knowledge creation to support  teachers’ professional development on effective ICT-pedagogy integration.

The Competency Framework Components contains:

  • Three approaches:  Technology literacy, knowledge deepening, knowledge creation
  • Six components: Understanding of ICT in education, curriculum and assessment, pedagogy, ICT, organisation and administration and teacher professional development
  • Four stages: Emerging, applying, infusing and transforming.

View the Global collaboration toolkit to explore how to use ICT to effectively connect students with peers in Asia.

Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge 


Reproduced with permission of the publisher, © 2012 by

The Technology, Pedagogy and Content Knowledge Framework (TPACK) provides a framework to support teachers to integrate technology in teaching and learning programmes. 

TPACK has three overlapping domains which prompts teachers to think about where these areas meet and highlight more precise ways of thinking about how they can develop sophistication in learning to integrate ICTs.

This video explanation describes the framework for understanding technology integration for education.

  • How do you integrate ICT into curriculum planning and design?
  • What are 3 actions you could take using the TPACK Framework as a model to use ICT?

Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, Redefinition - SAMR


The SAMR Model explained by Ruben R. Puentedura.
The SAMR model, developed by Dr Ruben Puentedura, supports teachers to design, develop and integrate learning technologies to support students achieve higher levels of learning than previously possible. 

The SAMR model describes four graded levels of technology integration that increase in it's complexity.  The first two levels support the enhancement of learning and third and fourth support the transformation of learning:

Substitution: Technology acts as a direct tool substitute, with no functional change

Augmentation: Technology acts as a direct tool substitute, with functional improvement

Modification: Technology allows for significant task redesign

Redefinition: Technology allows for the creation of new tasks, previously inconceivable

In this video explanation Dr Ruben Puentedura describes the framework.


  • Which level/s are you students currently working at?
  • Can you think of examples of ICTs or tasks for each level of the framework?
  • How can you use this model to design a learning experience that has a significance impact on student outcomes?

The Padagogy Wheel: Learning Design


The Padagogy Wheel is a model that can design learning experiences with the support of ICT apps.  It embeds the SAMR Model alongside a comprehensive directory of Apple apps, whilst starting at the core with graduate attributes and capabilities. The inclusion of action verbs and graduation of the wheel is based on Blooms Taxonomy and cognitive domain categories.


  • Why do you think 'graduate attributes and capabilities' are where they are in the model?
  • Which activities do your students do most often? Are there activities they could do instead that are in the same category to ensure learning experiences are varied?

Illustrations of practice

Discover how these teachers have used ICT to build their students' Asia capabilities.

Video of Doncaster Gardens Primary School VIC using their 1-to-1 iPad programme for pedagogical innovation in the Chinese classroom to boost student engagement and outcomes.
Video of teachers at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart College SA demonstrating how ICT supports students to connect with peers in Asia and enhance language learning.


As you watch these videos consider:

  • How have the following schools are successfully integrating ICT to support student learning and connect with peers in Asia?

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